Shivpuri town in the state of Madhya Pradesh was once the summer capital and the former hunting ground of the Maharaja of Gwalior. Even before this, during the reign of the Mughals, its dense forests were the hunting grounds of the Mughal emperors. Large herds of elephants were captured here by Emperor Akbar.

Since the area was a Royal shooting reserve, it was well protected, which was abounded with wildlife and was famous for its tigers. Tigers and other co-predators were known to wander in great numbers in the area. It is reported that in 1916, Lord Hardinge shot eight tigers in one day at Shivpuri.

Lord Minto supposed to have shot 19 tigers during his trip to Gwalior state. The last of the resident wild tigers were seen in Madhav National Park around late 1970. Owing to dedicated efforts, the habitat hasbounced back and has become a secured habitat for the transient tigers. Occasional presence of the tigers is being in the Park since October 2007. On the shores of Sakhya Sagar lake which edges the forests, is a Boat Club, from where the park visitors can see a number of migratory birds especially in winter, when a large number of migratory waterfowls visit the area.

A viewing lodge constructed by the Maharaja called the Shooting Box, is situated above the Sakhya Sagar lake. In the older days, prior to the commencement of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, one could shoot wildlife, both with a gun and camera from here. Visitors could sit under cover and watch a tiger at a kill. All around the lake (at suitable points), the Maharaja constructed boat landing areas, picnic shelters, watch towers, hides etc. and a network of well laid out metalled roads.


Deep inside the Madhav National Park, at its highest point, stands the exquisite George Castle at a height of almost 484 m (1597 feet). Interestingly the castle was built by Jivaji Rao Scindia of the Gwalior Royal family for an overnight halt for tiger shooting by the British King George V, when he was to pass that way during his visit to India in 1911. Ironically, it so happened that the emperor could shoot a tiger on the way itself and did not stop at the Castle.